Sunday, September 28, 2014

Responses to Module 2 Assignment Blog Post on Emerging Technologies Tetr

Responses to Module 2 Assignment Blog Post on Emerging Technologies Tetrad
Hi Dr. Thorn burg –
I have responded to the following classmate’s blog sites:
Patricia Marcino -
Serbert Brooks -

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Module 2 Assignment Blog Post on Emerging Technologies Tetrad

Module 2 Assignment Blog Post on Emerging Technologies Tetrad

            There is an expectation for leaders in educational technology to be aware of new emerging technologies. Thornburg (2013e) examines Marshall McLuhan’s Laws of Media, which seek to answer questions that form a tetrad of the four laws of media. The first law extends or amplifies a technology to do something new (Laureate Education, 2014f; Thornburg, 2013e). The second law demonstrates obsolescence, where a new technology will drive and supersede an old technology (Laureate Education, 2014f; Thornburg, 2013e). The third law is retrieval which rekindles something from the past (Laureate Education, 2014f; Thornburg, 2013e). The fourth law is reversal to help set the stage for a technology replacement (Laureate Education, 2014f; Thornburg, 2013e).

            Holography is an emerging technology which enables users to make three-dimensional images. Holograms use a laser, diffraction, light intensity recording and illumination. The image appears three-dimensional as the viewing system changes the position and orientation of the image. Walsh (2012, November) projects holograms as being the next step forward towards the evolution of technology. There is a projection that the use of holographic telepresence will bring digital participants and remote location to classrooms with the use of three-dimensional technology.
synchronously to students anywhere in the country. Holograms will allow educators to bring their content to life. Learners can experience sites and sounds during instruction that can enhance their classroom learning (Walsh, 2012 November).
Figure 1

Emerging Technology – Holograms

Enhances –
  • Allows experts and facilitators the ability to illustrate processes live, and in person
  • Allows instructors to deliver lectures to multiple classrooms, anywhere, simultaneously
  • Allows experts to deliver a new dimension to instructional content.
Obsoletes –
  • Need to use overhead projectors, whiteboards, chalkboards, filming projectors, digital and video tape players, and possibly interactive whiteboards
Retrieves/Rekindles –
  • Ability for teachers to promote teacher to student discourse
  • Ability to rekindle pedagogical practices that promote cognitive learning
  • Ability for teachers to facilitate rich classroom discussions and clarification
Reverses –
  • Into three-dimensional simulations to for teaching physical world concepts to students

           As an emerging technology, holograms allow experts such as facilitators to model and demonstrate a strategy without having to be in a classroom. The instructors deliver instruction

Holograms obsolete the need for overhead projectors, whiteboards, chalkboards, filming projectors, digital and video tape players. Holograms may eventually replace interactive whiteboards. A three-dimensional presence can enhance the learner’s instructional experience.

Holograms retrieve the ability to promote learner engagement. Teachers can use the three-dimensional models to promote teacher to student discourse. Modeling the features from three-dimensional objects allows teachers to rekindle pedagogical practices that promote cognitive learning. Holograms will allow students to demonstrate and also model what they know. The features allow teachers to facilitate rich classroom discussions and clarification.

Holograms may reverse into three-dimensional simulations. Two-dimensional computer simulations already exist to support students in focusing on a particular task. Imagine being able to provide holographic simulations where students can interact with three-dimensional objects that models a real world environment.

In the medical field holography is providing the world with the first 3D holographic display and interface system, initially for medical imaging applications.



Laureate Education (Producer). (2014f). David Thornburg: McLuhan’s Tetrad [Video file].

Baltimore, MD: Author.

Real View Medical Holography. (2014). Interactive live holography for medical imaging

applications [Video]. Retrieved from

Thornburg, D. (2013e). Emerging technologies and McLuhan's laws of media. Lake Barrington,

IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Walsh, K. (2012, November). 7 ways holographic technology will make learning more fun.

Emerging Education Technology. Retrieved from

Friday, September 12, 2014